This CELESTITE necklace is made from brass metal. Unique unpolished aquamarine stone set on chain.
Celestite is a beautiful and ethereal crystal known for its rich metaphysical properties and its association with the celestial and angelic realms. Here are some of its key metaphysical properties:
Connection to Divine Energy: Celestite is often considered a stone of divine connection. It is believed to facilitate communication with angels, spirit guides, and higher beings. Meditating with celestite can help individuals deepen their spiritual practice and connect with their higher selves.
Calming and Soothing: Celestite has a gentle and calming energy that can promote inner peace and tranquility. It is often used to alleviate stress, anxiety, and feelings of overwhelm. Placing celestite in your living space can create a serene and harmonious environment.
Enhanced Spiritual Awareness: Celestite is thought to enhance spiritual awareness and intuition. It can help individuals become more attuned to subtle energies and messages from the spiritual realm, making it a valuable tool for those engaged in meditation, energy work, or psychic development.
Throat Chakra Activation: This crystal is associated with the throat chakra, and it is believed to promote clear and authentic communication. It can help individuals express their thoughts and emotions with honesty and compassion, fostering better understanding in relationships.
Dream Work: Celestite is often used to enhance dream recall and lucid dreaming. Placing a piece of celestite under your pillow or by your bedside can facilitate dream exploration and spiritual insights during sleep.
Astral Travel and Meditation: Celestite is known for its ability to facilitate astral travel and out-of-body experiences. It can create a sense of weightlessness and ease during meditation, making it easier to explore other realms of consciousness.
Emotional Healing: Celestite's calming energy extends to emotional healing. It can assist in releasing emotional baggage and old patterns, promoting forgiveness, self-acceptance, and a sense of emotional well-being.
Angel Communication: As a stone associated with angels, celestite is often used in angelic communication rituals and prayers. It can help individuals feel a stronger connection to the angelic realm and receive guidance and protection from these celestial beings.